Ge is200eroch1abb is an electronic (electromechanical) circuit breaker designed for low-voltage (dc) systems. This type of switch is used in a number of applications that require reliable and fast control of electrical devices.
Parameters and specifications:
Type of device: electronic (electromechanical) switch
Rated power: 200 a
Rated voltage: specified depending on configuration (e.g. 24 VDC)
Type of removal: mechanical
Activation: electronic
Operating temperature range: -25 c to +70 c
Humidity range: 0% to 95% (non-condensate)
Interfaces: terminal blocks, etc.
Areas of application:
Automation and control systems: is200eroch1abb is often used in automated and robotic systems, where reliable and fast control of electrical devices is required.
Household, office, and commercial applications: in residential, office, and other commercial buildings, is200eroch1abb can be used to control and protect electrical devices such as lighting, climate control, etc., depending on the conditions of use.
Industrial and robotic equipment: in the industry, is200eroch1abb provides reliable and accurate protection against potential failures, which helps to ensure continuity and efficiency of production processes.
Note: these parameters and specifications may vary depending on the configuration, conditions of use, and additional options and functions that may be included. Please refer to the official documentation or contact the supplier for more precise and detailed information.